How to Copy Format in Excel

Sometimes some of the data in a table have the wrong format. Take a look at this table, where some of the records are in hh:mm format, and others in hh:mm:ss format.

EasyExcel_38_1_Copy format in Excel

Here is an easy way to fix it:

Choose one of the cells with the right format, go to the Home ribbon and click on the Format Painter.

EasyExcel_38_2_Copy format in Excel

Select the cells you want to change, and they will get the same format! If you want to change formats in several different arrays, double-click on the format painter and press Escape when you’re done.

EasyExcel_38_3_Copy format in Excel

More Easy Tricks:

Are you using a non-English version of Excel? Click here for translations of the 100 most common functions.

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