How to get Unique values in Excel with one simple formula: UNIQUE

In the newer versions of Excel (2019 and 365) you can finally extract unique values with one simple function: UNIQUE. In previous versions, you either had to do it manually with the advanced filter, with a pivot table, or with a super-complicated formula that was impossible to remember.

Now it’s easy: Just use the UNIQUE function!

UNIQUE is one of the new Spill functions in Excel, which means that you type the formula in a cell, e.g. D2, and it populates as many cells below as it needs. So keep in mind that you need to have a sufficient number of empty cells to make room for the results.

Here’s how you do it:

In this example, I have a list of transactions. There are 20 rows of data, but we only have six unique sales reps, so I want to create a small table with one row for each rep. This formula is all I need:


It will find the unique values and spill down automatically. We don’t even have to copy down!

To add sales figures per sales rep, just use the SUMIFS:

If you want the names in alphabetical order, you can wrap the SORT function around the UNIQUE function:


And if you want the names as column header, you can wrap the TRANSPOSE function around SORT and UNIQUE:


More Excel Tricks:
Sum across multiple sheets in Excel
Make SUMIFS and COUNTIFS more flexible with a Wildcard
Summarize a whole table in Excel without writing a formula

Are you using a non-English version of Excel? Click here for translations of the 140 most common functions in 17 different languages:

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Portuguese (European)

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