Use a shortcut to switch between tabs in Excel

If you work with Excel all the time, you are probably pretty tired of switching between the tabs using the mouse. To make your life easier, learn this Excel keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl + PageUp
  • Ctrl + PageDown


Are you using a non-English version of Excel? Click here for translations of the 100 most common functions.

Hide or show Ribbon in Excel

The ribbon in Excel, which was introduced in Excel 2007, is a major improvement from the old menus. But it takes up a lot of space, so sometimes you want to hide it. There are several ways to do it, but all you have to learn is the shortcut:

Hide ribbon: Ctrl + F1

Show ribbon: Ctrl + F1


This also works in Word, Powerpoint and Outlook 2007 and later

Are you using a non-English version of Excel? Click here for translations of the 100 most common functions.